Saturday, February 16, 2008

Push it real good...

Get a Ben's Chili Bowl half-smoke and some chili fries in a 10-month old, turn on some Salt-n-Pepa, and then just try to stop the groovin'.

Last weekend.


Chrissy said...

He has got some serious moves already! He might need to show Naomi a thing or two....

brandi (and tim) said...

It's just nice to know that the next generation can still appreciate the classics.

leslie said...

you took your 10 month old out on the town at 3 AM?

oh wait... just cuz i've only been to ben's chili bowl in the wee hrs of the morn doesn't mean that's the only time it's open [i guess??]

long live the bowl.

April said...

What a stud, he could teach me a thing or two about rythym!
By the way, we were all sitting around the computer the other day staring in amazement at some of the acrobatics of your young son while being tossed in the air by JT... hilarious

CoCo said...

You know when you're at that moment of breaking and you desperately need a laugh out loud moment ... well this video is my current pick. I love it!

(btw Hi! it's Corey)